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Creative Paintings
by, Rebecka Spang

within this site there are very beautiful paintings as well as other handmade items should have been named creative paintings and more. let's not forget the amazing shirts and such that can also be found here. this is a family business, mother and children spending time together to create beautiful items for you. Rebecka Spang of Creative Paintings has been painting and crafting for 20+ years. please feel free to contact if you have any questions. find creative paintings on Facebook. can also find creative paintings on spaces by Wix, which is an app on google play. creative paintings is within this app.

schedule your commission painting today

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commission paintingis now open

commission paintings are based on size of the canvas and the detail of the painting. vibrant colors are used to make your commission a piece to talk about and to be proud to show your friends and loved ones. makes a magnificent piece in any room. you will need to select a date and upon availability your painting will be started after it has been paid for. availability depends Apon if the artist Rebecka is currently working on a commission, but you can be scheduled for when she is done no worries. there will be updates given to you if you're waiting on a painting. the painting you see here is a commission painting as an example. hope to work with you soon get your quote and your spot scheduled today. you won't regret it. have a wonderful day don't forget to love yourself there will not ever be another you, you are valued.

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Rebecka Spang

Paint Artist

Hello, I'm Rebecka Spang welcome to creative Paintings. Please feel free to contact with any questions. your happiness matters. A little about me. I take time to create beautiful vibrant and colorful paintings such as landscape, scenery, cartoons etc. there are also many other items you cand find here as well. all of which are handmade and creations of creative paintings by Rebecka Spang Please take the time to explore what I have to offer. These pieces of art will illuminate any room in your home.


 please follow Creative paintings on facebook to stay connected

Love Yourself

there will only ever be one of you.
please do not allow or except abuse
abuse of any kind from some one
you deserve better then that
distance yourself from all the bad energy
learn to love yourself and learn your value
your amazing and worth so much more
there won't ever be another you 
so pretty please love yourself to the fullest you deserve happiness
and real love

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I use high quality paints and work a fulltime job. So, it takes time to create new pieces the prices will vary depending on if it's an oil painting or a acrylic painting prices also vary by canvas size originals always cost more. However, you are able to purchase poster prints of the paintings in poster form at a lower price. the smallest canvas size I paint is 8x10 the biggest I will paint is a 24x30 remembering prices vary by what paint is used and size of the canvas as well as time that it takes but they are well worth it. There are many other items on this site. Every single product here is handmade. all one of a kind original works of art. in the future there will be a commission option for you. meaning in the future limited number of people for limited times will be able to purchase a requested painting of their liking to have made for you . can't wait for you to find the something you want and have to have here enjoy your day and please have a look around . feel free to contact with any questions, as well as for any opinion on improvements that may help make your experience with creative paintings even better. thank you so much for visiting creative paintings and more

Contact 517-796-3083 Hours Monday 10am-7pm, Tuesday - Saturday 6pm-8pm

Po box 1982 Jackson Michigan 49204  privacy policy and terms of use pop up in the shopping cart page


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